01. Skin envelopes disappearing
02. Communications Info Center will not show info balloon notifications until user opens settings dialog
03. UVW Unwrap editor is extremely slow
04. Crash with Unwrap UVW
05. Unwrap Uvw Editor / Scale tool doesn't work as designed
06. UVW Unwrap: Crash with Peel Mode, Undo and New Seams
07. Nitrous shaded mode issue (objects displayed in viewport from previous scene until restart)
08. One Click Relax deactivates MMB zoom and activates scrolling of the panel
09. Selection window outline is drawn on active grid instead of in front of all objects
10. Normal maps don't render correctly
11. Filestream doesn't close
12. Opening a scene from Max 2010/2011 causes crash
13. mental ray - EnvBlur typo still exists, causing one of the parameters to not function
14. Animated deformed mesh stops updating when parts of rig hierarchy hidden
15. Nitrous performance slow with large poly object
16. Crash with invalid or empty Loft objects
17. Mirrored or negatively scaled objects have wrong edge display
18. Selection windows not working consistently with Nitrous driver
19. Using the Steering Wheel causes crash
20. Random crash with Autodesk Materials