How do i use the animator avatar mask to combine two animations ?

На сайте c 06.09.2017
Сообщений: 6

I want to combine weapon aiming idle with humanoidwalk. So in the script when i click on the mouse right button it will aim and then when i press W it will start walking.Now with the animator controller and script i have i can make right click on the mouse button and it will aiming but won't walk or i can just press W and it will walk with aiming. But i want to first right click and aiming and then press W and walk.The screen shot is on my main layer the base layer: The Aiming state is with weapon idle animation. And two transitions using parameter name Aiming type bool one transition set to true the other to false. With this i can make right click button on mouse and aiming but not walking.

I didn't find the right solution from the internet.


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