Sphere Texturing

На сайте c 21.10.2013
Сообщений: 19

Hi there,

How to texture a sphere in 3ds max like the attached picture ?

Thank you

На сайте c 23.10.2022
Сообщений: 123

The simplest and most universal way to apply wood texture is the Planar UVW Map.

Many people like to complicate the unwrapping process so that the wood texture fits correctly and seamlessly. But everything ingenious is simple! This is how the unwrapping fits correctly and seamlessly. smiley-smile.gif

This method is not always applicable, but this method is applicable in most cases.

AlexHappy ©

На сайте c 21.10.2013
Сообщений: 19

Thank you.

Sometimes I use planar mapping but in this situation, it doesn't work.

Check the image below.

На сайте c 23.10.2022
Сообщений: 123
Цитата Hesham Elshipli:

Sometimes I use planar mapping but in this situation, it doesn't work.

In this situation you need to use a different texture and Map Channel for problem areas.

Try using Advanced Wood material for turned shapes.

На сайте c 21.10.2013
Сообщений: 19
Quote from Vlad_Bo :
Quote from Hesham Elshipli :

Sometimes I use planar mapping but in this situation, it doesn't work.

In this situation you need to use a different texture and Map Channel for problem areas.

Try using Advanced Wood material for turned shapes.



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