Gnomon Series 3ds Max Techniques with Jeff Patton [2009 г.]
Material Basics
___mental ray
___nstalling Plugins, Scripts and Shaders
Lighting Basics
___3ds Max Light Basics
___Area Light Issues
___mrSun and mrSky
___Using HDRs
Rendering Tools
___dentifying Noise
___Depth of Field
___Managing Color Bleed
___Exposure/Tone Mapping
___Glowing Objects
___Motion Blur
___mrProxy Objects
Rendering Techniques
___Creating Clay Renders
___NPR - Toon Rendering
___Vehicle Rendering in 3ds Max 2009
Indirect Illumination
___Final Gather
___Global Illumination
Lighting Digital Sets
___Architectural Interiors - Day
___Architectural Interiors - Night
___Architectural Exteriors - Day
___Architectural Exteriors - Night
fxphd - MRY201 - Production Rendering Techniques with Mental Ray
Class 1: Pixels vs. Light - What is a pixel? The units of light, and how they map to the RGB values we encounter every day. Shows how the math we apply to pixels can break, and how, if we are not careful, two plus two can end up ten.
Class 2: Lighting - Understanding the quality and quantity of light. Understanding how real-world lights map to computer graphics lights. Understanding how light gathers and reflects off a surface.
Class 3: Cameras - Understanding how a real world cameras function map to their computer graphics counterparts. Understanding what film and digital cameras do to the image before you even see it.
Class 4: Materials I - Using the physically based Arch&Design material to simulate real world surfaces. Learning to see the world, so that one can translate it to CG.
Class 5: Materials II - More about materials. Using the mental ray skin shader for realistic characters.
Class 6: Interaction between CG and the Real World - Using the production library shaders to seamlessly integrate CG objects in real-world background plates with reflections, bounce light, shadows, etc.
Class 7: Interaction between CG and the Real World part II + "What Not To Do". Advanced interaction topics like smoothing out glossy reflections of HDRI environments and masking. Also discusses things you should avoid; Walks through the topics of previous classes and deals out some "no-no's".
Class 8: Compositing - How stuff that comes out of the renderer goes together, and what can (and should) and can't (and shouldn't) be delegated to compositing.
Class 9: Pixels, Samples and Filtering. Discusses anti-aliasing methods, and the different primary ray acceleration techniques, and demystifies the various mental ray methods for motion blur.
Class 10: Indirect illumination in animation. Avoiding flickering in Final Gathering in animated scenes. Also does a final course wrapup.

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