Weird Shading issue

На сайте c 30.06.2019
Сообщений: 9

Hi, can anyone tell me what causes this dark edges on these meshes? the topology is clean, never had this issue before.This render is with 2 subdiv iterations.

solved, just redid the meshes

На сайте c 28.11.2012
Сообщений: 689
Цитата onurarsoy:
Hi, can anyone tell me what causes this dark edges on these meshes? the topology is clean, never had this issue before.This render is with 2 subdiv iterations.

Группы сглаживания? - Не! Не слышали! smiley-biggrin.gif

I think it's troubles of smoothing groups. You can try to use "Smooth" modifier

На сайте c 30.06.2019
Сообщений: 9
Цитата Viento:
Quote from onurarsoy :
Hi, can anyone tell me what causes this dark edges on these meshes? the topology is clean, never had this issue before.This render is with 2 subdiv iterations.

Smoothing groups? - Not! Did not hear!smiley-biggrin.gif

I think it's troubles of smoothing groups. You can try to use "Smooth" modifier

i just modeled them again :D thanks for the tip though i will pay attention next time

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