arrowbascket-darkbascketbasket-darkbasketcarousel-next-cornercarousel-nextcarousel-prev-cornercarousel-prevdrop-whitefbhi_resmailmodal-closemovenext_whitepenphotoprev_whitevkok  Client: pape+pape architekten Art-Direction: Dimitri Klein Artist: Alena Yurievna Soft: 3ds max, Chaos Corona, Adobe Photoshop This project is the first-place winning project in the competition for the new "Ernst Fahlbusch" kindergarten in Göttingen. The design blends harmoniously into the natural surroundings through the use of natural materials and a green roof. Featuring two interlocking volumes, the architectural layout emphasizes the site’s horizontal lines, creating smooth transitions to the adjacent areas. The spacious walking areas and green spaces give the building a cozy and inviting appearance, promoting a comfortable and safe environment for children and parents.

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