Villa "Dream" Location: Almaty city, Republic of Kazakhstan Website: Villa is designed for seasonal residence of family consisting several people, especially during the warm season, with taking into account the local climate. The villa is located in a mountainous area, in details, mountains are located behind the building, nevertheless the roof of villa has autonomous heating and placed with a slope of 10 degrees backward for immediate melting of snow during the cold season in order to make water flowed over the fence. Exterior walls of the villa is made of heat-insulating glass of high strength. Layout of the villa is unusual: there is a separation wall which divides the house into two parts: the sleeping area and the relaxation area. There is a huge swimming pool in the courtyard of the villa that harmoniously blends into the environment together with house.

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Комментарии (5)

"The villa is located in a mountainous area"...

И где же эти горы, красивый вид, на который стоит посмотреть и изнутри, и снаружи?
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Ирис кис-кис
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