]Ребят, подскажите, у меня в скрипте fasta просто напросто нигде не указаено разрешение!! Где ж его поменять??? Вот скрипт..[/color]
macroScript FastRender3 category] / k) as integer
local ysize = (xsize / getRendImageAspect()) as integer
persistent global FastSetup
rollout FastRollout "Rendering..." width:350 height:180
groupBox grp1 "Fast Render Stat" pos:[8,8] width:335 height:165
label lbl2 "Frame" pos:[16,24] width:32 height:16
label lbl3 "1" pos:[56,24] width:24 height:16
label lbl4 "from" pos:[88,24] width:24 height:16
label lbl5 "1" pos:[120,24] width:24 height:16
label lbl6 "width:" pos:[161,24] width:32 height:16
label lbl7 "x" pos:[201,24] width:32 height:16
label lbl8 "height:" pos:[241,24] width:40 height:16
label lbl9 "y" pos:[289,24] width:32 height:16
progressBar pb1 "ProgressBar" pos:[16,48] width:320 height:16
listBox lbx1 "Camera List" pos:[16,72] width:320 height:5
rollout FastSetup "Setup" width:400 height:391
GroupBox grp1 "Default" pos:[8,8] width:384 height:184
GroupBox grp2 "Shift Pressed" pos:[8,200] width:384 height:176
checkbutton ckb1 "Production" pos:[16,40] width:104 height:24
checkbutton ckb2 "Disable glossy" pos:[16,80] width:104 height:24
checkbutton ckb3 "Disable displace" pos:[136,80] width:112 height:24
checkbutton ckb4 "Render hidden light" pos:[264,80] width:120 height:24 checked:false
label lbl1 "Scale:" pos:[16,112] width:32 height:16
label lbl2 "Width:" pos:[96,112] width:48 height:16
label lbl3 "Height:" pos:[176,112] width:48 height:16
checkbutton ckb7 "Production" pos:[16,232] width:104 height:24 checked:true
checkbutton ckb8 "Disable glossy" pos:[16,264] width:104 height:24 enabled:false
checkbutton ckb9 "Disable displace" pos:[136,264] width:112 height:24 enabled:false
checkbutton ckb10 "Render hidden light" pos:[264,264] width:120 height:24 enabled:false checked:true
label lbl4 "Scale:" pos:[16,296] width:32 height:16
label lbl5 "Width:" pos:[96,296] width:32 height:16
label lbl6 "Height:" pos:[176,296] width:40 height:16
edittext edt1 "Save to" pos:[136,168] width:249 height:16 enabled:false
edittext edt2 "Save to" pos:[136,344] width:248 height:16 enabled:false
checkbox chk1 "Save file(s)" pos:[16,136] width:80 height:16 checked:true
checkbox chk2 "Save file(s)" pos:[16,320] width:80 height:16 checked:true
edittext edt6 "Add suffix" pos:[136,136] width:248 height:16
dropdownList ddl1 "Apply preset" pos:[136,24] width:248 height:40
dropdownList ddl2 "Apply preset" pos:[136,216] width:248 height:40
button btn1 "Save" pos:[16,160] width:104 height:24
button btn2 "Save" pos:[16,344] width:104 height:24
on open rollout do (print "ttt"

fn GetSelSetName o = (
for i = 1 to SelectionSets.count do (
for j = 1 to SelectionSets
.count do (
if SelectionSets[j] == o then return (SelectionSets.name + "&"
)--end for j
)--end for i
return ""
fn GetFileType = (
local n ="", p = rendoutputfilename
if p == "" then return ".jpg"
for i = p.count to 1 by -1 while p
!= "." do (
n = p + n
)--end for
return ("." + n)
)--end fn
fn GetRenderPath = (
local s = 0, n = "", p = rendoutputfilename
if p == "" then p = maxfilepath
if p == "" then return ((getdir #RenderOutput)+"\\"

for i = 1 to p.count do (
if p
== "\\" or p == "/" then s = i
)--end for
for i = 1 to s - 1 do (append n p)
return (n + "\\"
)--end fn
fn SetParameters a t = (
if renderscenedialog.isOpen() == True then (p = 1 ; renderscenedialog.close())
if t == 0 then ( --fast
a.imageSampler_type = 0
a.fixedRate_subdivs = 1
a.filter_on = False
a.gi_irradmap_minRate = -7
a.gi_irradmap_maxRate = -3
a.gi_irradmap_subdivs = 15
a.gi_irradmap_interpSamples = 20
if a.adv_irradmap_mode != 2 then a.adv_irradmap_mode = 0
a.lightcache_subdivs = 100
if a.lightcache_mode != 2 then a.lightcache_mode = 0
a.lightcache_scale = 0
a.lightcache_samplesize = 0.02
a.dmc_subdivs_mult = 0.2
a.options_glossyEffects = False
a.options_displacement = False
)--end if
if t == 1 then ( --production
if a.adv_irradmap_mode != 2 then a.adv_irradmap_mode = 1
if a.lightcache_mode != 2 then a.lightcache_mode = 1
a.lightcache_scale = 1
a.lightcache_samplesize = 9
)--end if
if p == 1 then renderscenedialog.open()
)--end fn
fn SaveParameters a = (
local m = #()
m[1] = a.imageSampler_type
m[2] = a.fixedRate_subdivs
m[3] = a.filter_on
m[4] = a.gi_irradmap_minRate
m[5] = a.gi_irradmap_maxRate
m[6] = a.gi_irradmap_subdivs
m[7] = a.gi_irradmap_interpSamples
m[8] = a.adv_irradmap_mode
m[9] = a.lightcache_subdivs
m[10] = a.lightcache_mode
m[11] = a.lightcache_scale
m[12] = a.lightcache_samplesize
m[13] = a.dmc_subdivs_mult
m[14] = a.options_glossyEffects
m[15] = a.options_displacement
m[16] = rendTimeType
m[17] = renderwidth
m[18] = renderheight
m[19] = rendsavefile
return m
)--end fn
fn RestoreParameters a m = (
if renderscenedialog.isOpen() == True then (p = 1 ; renderscenedialog.close())
a.imageSampler_type = m[1]
a.fixedRate_subdivs = m[2]
a.filter_on = m[3]
a.gi_irradmap_minRate = m[4]
a.gi_irradmap_maxRate = m[5]
a.gi_irradmap_subdivs = m[6]
a.gi_irradmap_interpSamples = m[7]
a.adv_irradmap_mode = m[8]
a.lightcache_subdivs = m[9]
a.lightcache_mode = m[10]
a.lightcache_scale = m[11]
a.lightcache_samplesize = m[12]
a.dmc_subdivs_mult = m[13]
a.options_glossyEffects = m[14]
a.options_displacement = m[15]
rendTimeType = m[16]
renderwidth = m[17]
renderheight = m[18]
rendsavefile = m[19]
if p == 1 then renderscenedialog.open()
)--end fn
local CameraList = #(), CameraName = #(), m =#()
for i = selection do (if superclassof i == camera then (join CameraList i ; append CameraName i.name))
for i = 1 to CameraList.count do (CameraName
= GetRenderPath() + GetSelSetName (CameraList) + CameraList.name + GetFileType())
m = SaveParameters (renderers.current)
EscapeEnable = False
--CreateDialog FastSetup modal:true
if CameraList.count > 1 then (
CreateDialog FastRollout pos:[(sysinfo.DesktopSize[1]-355),20]
if keyboard.ShiftPressed == False then (SetParameters renderers.current 0) else (xsize = renderwidth ; ysize = renderheight )
if CameraList.count > 4 then (
FastRollout.height = CameraList.count * 14 + 110
FastRollout.grp1.height = CameraList.count * 14 + 90
FastRollout.lbx1.height = CameraList.count * 14
)--end if
FastRollout.lbl7.caption = xsize as string
FastRollout.lbl9.caption = ysize as string
FastRollout.lbx1.items = CameraName
FastRollout.lbl5.caption = CameraList.count as string
for i = 1 to CameraList.count do (
FastRollout.lbl3.caption = i as string
FastRollout.lbx1.selection = i
FastRollout.pb1.value = i * 100 / CameraList.count
im = render camera:CameraList outputfile:CameraName outputsize:[xsize, ysize] cancelled:&WasCancel
if WasCancel == True then exit
close im
)--end for
DestroyDialog FastRollout
) else (
if keyboard.ShiftPressed == True then (
--renderwidth = xsize
--renderheight = ysize
rendTimeType = 1 --single
rendsavefile = True
SetParameters renderers.current 0
renderwidth = xsize
renderheight = ysize
rendTimeType = 1 --single
rendsavefile = False
)--end if
if selection.count == 1 and selection[1].name == "VrayCam" and keyboard.AltPressed == True then (
SetParameters renderers.current 1
rendTimeType = 2 -- active time segment
rendsavefile = True
)--end if
max quick render
)--end if
RestoreParameters renderers.current m
EscapeEnable = True