Новый Vray 1.5 SP4

На сайте c 01.10.2007
Сообщений: 647
Компания Chaosgroup объявила, о том что всем официальным пользователям VRay стала доступна новая версия v1.5 SP4.

Список новинок:
- Improved multithreading on multi-core machines;
- Ability to specify gizmo falloff for VRayEnvironmentFog;
- Ability to use arbitrary meshes as gizmos for VRayEnvironmentFog;
- Option to exclude the background from VRayEnvironmentFog;
- Added CIE sky models to the VRaySun and VRaySky;
- It is now possible to submit DR servers list for DR through backburner;
- Added option to not use area speculars in the VRayIES light;
- Added Kelvin temperature settings for the color of VRayLights;
- VFB history is now turned off when 3ds Max is in slave mode;
- Output .vrimg and split channel paths are listed in the Asset Tracker;
- GI cache files (irradiance maps, light cache etc) are listed in the Asset Tracker.
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