так плагин этот как бы делает тоже самое что и руками просто на автомате. естественно не понимает вирей/корона материалы, но скорее всего прекрасно понимает материал id, возможно даже без назначенных материалов. попробуйте. посмотрите опции экспорта в обдж какие есть для материалов варианты экспорта. потыкайте или гайд найдите на оф сайте. у них на ютюб канале видео завались на любую тему.
с риной все проще гораздо. 3dm нативный формат для кейшота.
ну вот же у них написано на оф сайте:
Parts retain materials and layers
Maintain hierarchy of objects created in scene tree
Objects retain materials, can be unlinked
Hidden layer will not be imported
Support for part and camera animations
Support for rigged and deformable animations
Support for hair (curves)
Ну и описание действий из ридми после инсталяции
-------------------------USER INSTRUCTIONS-------------------------
1. Initial transfer
1.1 Open your model in 3D Studio Max.
1.2 Open the KeyShot 7 menu from the main menu bar.
1.3 Select Render.
1.4 KeyShot opens and your model is imported.
2. Live Linking from a live session
2.1 As soon Keyshot is started from 3D Studio Max through the render button, the 2 applications are linked.
2.2 Assign materials, set up animations, set up your lighting and camera angles.
2.3 Go back to 3D Studio Max and continue to refine your model.
2.4 When you are satisfied with your changes, select "Update". All changed parts (geometry / location) will be replaced inside KeyShot. All materials, animations etc will be maintained.
2.5 New parts will be added to the scene and may not automatically get painted.
3. Live Linking from an existing scene
3.1 When revisiting a project after both 3D Studio Max and Keyshot have been closed, all you need to do is open both applications and load the corresponding model/scene into either application. The 2 applications are now linked.
3.2 Continue to work as described under section 2.
If you encounter any issues, contact support@luxion.comHappy rendering!