Проблема с рендерингом

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На сайте c 03.03.2008
Сообщений: 26
Не могу отрендерить файл размером 160Mb. При попытке рендеринга тут же выкидывает в винду. Как еще можно ужать размер файла. Оптимайз на всех объектах, в полики перевел все равно выкидывает. Правда при выкидывании нескольких объектов и уменьшении размера до 108Mb, при рендеринге появляется надпись Raytracer Out of Memory. Что еще можно предпринять. Объекты выкидывать нежелательно. Хочется отрендерить сцену целиком.
На сайте c 28.09.2007
Сообщений: 307
Поставь в систем - динамик мемори вместо статик. Меня лично только это спасает
На сайте c 24.01.2008
Сообщений: 177

Вот, правильный подход к уже поднимавшимся темам. Молодец! (amsoft)
На сайте c 21.02.2007
Сообщений: 3128
Excessive memory usage while rendering

Like every other program, V-Ray needs a certain amount of RAM to render the image. Depending on the scene complexity and the render settings, V-Ray will use varying amounts of RAM. Sometimes, the available system RAM may be less than the amount needed for rendering. In this case, you will most likely get an unhandled exception. You can check the memory usage from the Windows Task Manager.

On 32-bit machines, the Windows® operating system allows by default up to 1.5 GB for any single process (application). That means that even though you may have more physical RAM (for example 2GB), the operating system will not allow an application to use all of that memory.

However, on the Windows® XP operating system, you can change this by using the famous /3GB switch in your boot.ini file. This will enable the OS to allocate up to 3 GB of RAM for any given application. Using that switch may allow you to render your scene without using any of the methods below for reducing memory usage.

On 64-bit platforms, the 64-bit version of the Windows® operating system allows the usage of all available physical memory without limitations.

If you cannot use any of these methods to allow more RAM for rendering, the only choice is to reduce the amount that is needed by changing your scene and your V-Ray settings.The scene elements that take up most of the RAM while rendering can be divided into the following groups:

* Geometry - scenes with lots of objects and/or triangle counts require more memory to render. There are several ways to reduce this amount:
o Adjust the raycaster settings in the System rollout (reduce Max. levels, increase Min. leaf size, increase Face/level coefficient, switch from Static to Dynamic Default Geometry).
o If all else fails, use VRayProxy objects.
* Mapping UVW channels - in 3dsmax, every mapping channel takes up the same or larger amount of RAM as the geometry itself. Unused mapping channels can increase RAM usage dramatically, while not affecting the scene in any way. In recent 3dsmax versions, texture channels are generated by default for all objects when they are created. V-Ray has no control over RAM usage for texture coordinates - you will have to make sure that only the channels you need are actually present in the scene. Using VRayProxy objects is also a solution since in that case texture coordinates are also cached to disk along with the actual geometry.

* Displacement mapping - objects displaced with the 2d displacement mapping method may require a lot of RAM to render, especially with large displacement maps. If this is the case, use the 3d displacement mapping method. Also, if you have several distinct displacement modifiers with the same displacement map, it is better to replace them with one modifier, applied to all the necessary objects. This is because each modifier will take RAM for the displacement map, separately from other modifiers, even if they have the same map.
* Bitmaps - these tend to take up large amounts of RAM, especially if the maps are large. Since textures are managed by 3dsmax, V-Ray has no direct control over their memory usage. However, you can use the Bitmap pager settings of 3dsmax to reduce the RAM taken up by bitmaps. For more information, consult your 3dsmax documentation.
* Bitmap filtering - Summed area filtering uses much more memory than Pyramidal filtering.
* Shadow maps - these may also take up significant amounts of RAM. Again, these are managed by 3dsmax and V-Ray has no direct control over their memory usage. To reduce memory usage, you can switch to raytraced VRayShadows instead.
* Image buffer - large output resolutions require a significant amount of RAM to store the final image. Additional G-Buffer channels increase that amount. There are several ways to reduce this amount:
o Use the 3dsmax Bitmap pager, if you are rendering to the 3dsmax default VFB.
o If you use V-Ray's own VFB, use the Render to V-Ray raw image file option and then use the V-Ray raw image file viewer to convert the resulting file to a different format.
o Render the image in several different passes and stitch the pieces in a compositing program.
* Image samplers (AA) - the image sampling algorithms of V-Ray require some amount of RAM to hold all the data for the sampled image. This amount can be quite large, depending on the chosen bucket size and sampling rate. To reduce that amount:
o Reduce the bucket size.
o Switch to a different image sampler - for example, the Adaptive DMC sampler uses less RAM than the Adaptive subdivision sampler.
* Global illumination caches - irradiance maps, photon maps and light maps all require additional memory to store them. Each of these has different methods for controlling its memory usage:
o For the irradiance map - the memory depends on the number of samples in the map; you can reduce this number by using lower Min/Max rate, and more loose threshold values (higher Color threshold, higher Normal threshold, lower Distance threshold).
o For the photon map - the memory depends on the number of photons stored. You can reduce this number by reducing the Diffuse subdivs for the lights, or by increasing the Max. density.
o For the light map - increase the Sample size.

* 3dsmax scene - 3dsmax itself stores a lot of information about the scene. V-Ray has no control over that memory, but here are some things you can do to reduce it:
o Collapse modifiers to editable meshes
o Cache animations with a PointCache modifier
Активность: 0
На сайте c 03.03.2008
Сообщений: 26
Попробовал. Бакбендером. Неполучилось. Бакбендер выдает ошибку. Оптимайз непомогает. Динамическая память тоже. Выдает ошибку.А копирование в proxy поганит текстуры. Что делать. Как рендерить я не знаю. Мучаюсь уже второй день.
На сайте c 04.03.2007
Сообщений: 312
А копирование в proxy поганит текстуры

ты выбери объекты на которых одинаковые текстуры, сгруппируй в несколько групп по текстурам, и только тогда преобразуй в прокси по группам, а когда создаешь прокси из объектов с разными текстурами, то они как правило падают.

или более кардинально, перелазь на висту, сейчас отрендерил 8 лямов полигонов без прокси, прям из окна макса, на XP больше 4.5 лямов вылетало.
Активность: 0
На сайте c 03.03.2008
Сообщений: 26
Дело в том, что я на ней и сижу. Уже больше полугода.
На сайте c 04.03.2007
Сообщений: 312
тогда перегоняй в прокси, как описано, и увеличь файл подкачки
Активность: 0
На сайте c 03.03.2008
Сообщений: 26
Урааааа. Наконец-то пошло. Как закончу. Выложу все мои модели.
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