На форуме персии показали неофициальный список "what's new" Max 2024.0 Release candidate,
слив был от бета-тестара и через пару ч. сообщения потерли, но интернет все помнит)
- Новый boolean modifier с несколькими улучшениями и поддержкой Open VDB.
- Новый редактор материалов Qt Slate.- Новое управление цветом на базе OCIO v2.
- Array v2.
- Улучшение триангуляции для нескольких операций моделирования.
и даже пара скринов:

полный список:
New OCIO v2 based Color Management.
.Until 2024 3ds max has assumed color spaces with sRGB primaries and provided color management via de-gamma/re-gamma workflow.That sRGB assumption removed. Also color processing pathways, including few API exposed areas were modernized to make sure color fidelity is retained throughout the system.
Old gamma manager and colorcorrection manager classes are being deprecated, new ColorPipelineMgr will provide unified interface for both the legacy gamma workflow and OCIO-based modern color management workflow.
..The highest priority was not breaking the existing workflows or existing scenes while providing the brand-new workflow. Default is Gamma Workflow. Therefore, if you don’t do anything. Everything should work exactly same as before. The previous workflow is provided as an optional mode.
. ."Unmanaged" mode will give you the same behavior as the "Enable Gamma/LUT Correction" unchecked.
. ."Gamma Workflow" mode will give you the same behavior as the "Enable Gamma/LUT Correction" checked.
. .Color Management Preferences(Previously Gamma and LUT) has two new OpenColorIO v2 based color management mode
..OCIO (Technology Preview) - 3ds Max Default
..OCIO (Technology Preview) - Custom Config File
. .Bitmaps now have associated color spaces and GetLinearPixels() call will not only linearize the pixels but will also convert the colors into the rendering color space on the fly.
. .Bitmap Image Selector, OSL Bitmaps, Arnold Image map support color spaces conversion fromOCIO config file
. .Rendering color space support including ACEScg
. .Display/VIew color space support for Viewport, Render Frame Window, Material Editor, Color Picker, Color Swatch, Image File Viewer and Arnold Render View
. ."Diagnostic Exposure" and "Diagnostic Post Gamma" spinner in Render Frame Window for investigating the image
. .In the Render Frame Window's right-click window information display has been expanded. You can see the assigned color space (also visible in the window title). Selected pixel values will now be displayed in 3 different color spaces: the image color space, the rendering color space, and the display color space.
. .Render Frame Window has also received some speed boost, panning and zooming should be much smoother compared to 2023.
. .Viewports are properly color managed in the DirectX mode, GPU rendering is also performed in the specified rendering color space and the result will be displayed using the selected display/view transform pair.
. .Active Viewport Settings/Color Management Tab allows every viewport may have its own display/view transform or can use the default Display/View transform (Automatic).
. .Image File Save supports No Conversion, Color Space Conversion and View/Display Transform from OCIO config file
. .MaxToA now passes on all color management information from 3ds Max to Arnold for rendering by handing over the entire OCIO configuration for rendering.
. .Improved Color Swatch displays colors in 2 different color spaces, Scene-referred linear space (Rendering space) and Display-referred space
. .Values are displayed in 3 different number formats, unbounded floating point, unsigned 8-bit integer (0..255), Hex web colors
. .System for tagging color parameters for their use case (UI colors, surface colors, light colors, non-color data, etc) to exclude those colors from color management
. .Full Maxscript exposure through ColorPipelineMgr interface
New Boolean modifier
. .New modifier-based workflow
. .New boolean operationsSplit - Inserts new edges on base object along the intersection of the operand(s). Attach - Combines multiple objects into one without affecting their topology.
. .New folder support. .Pre-process for overlapped elements
. .Capture / Live Reference modeCapture mode will embedded operand. .Operator Manipulator
. .New OpenVDB based volume boolean
New Material Switcher material
. .Allow to switch among sub materials up to 9999
. .Sort by ID, Name or Material Name
. .Lock button allows to Insert or Delete a sub material without changing index
New Transform List controller and List controller improvement
. .Let you add multiple Transform controllers to an object as layers of blended animation data. This lets animators add unique animation data to each layer, as well as letting them control how the layers blend together.
. .All list controller UI has been converted to Qt.
. .New Index mode has been added all List controllers. You can easily isolate the animation the of selected sub-controller.
New Compound material/map
. .Allows the user to group and collect materials, maps, and node trees in a single collector that can be collapsed or expanded.
. .Expose Input and Output Parameters accessible from outside the
Compound, that can be connected to any compatible node.
Compounds and Inputs/Outputs can be renamed.
. .Support nest Compounds inside Compounds.
. .The Compound can be saved in a Material Library and loaded from any Max scene as any material.
. .All common SME features are supported, like moving between views, copy, delete, rename, etc.
. .Note as a tooltip when collapsed
Qt Slate material editor
. .New Slate material editor has been changed and modernized based on Qt. The look of maps/materials, and the color of elements like wires, inputs/outputs, node headers, text, etc.
.. have been updated.
. .Faster Performance
. .Docking support
. .SME elements are now exposed to Color Customization. Use the new SME section in Color Customization for the supported elements.
. .The Instanced map/material is highlighted by the "chain" icon on the header.
. .Preference option to allow nodes to be drawn on top of the connecting wiresQt Modifier list. .Converted to Qt and provide faster performance
. .Search filter
. .Scroll bar size Prefernece option
. .Motion path
. .It has been updated to work with List controllers and now uses the active sub control position to display keys and tangents.. .Motion path now allow to edit keys and tangent for nested list controllers.
. .CAT
. .Resolved an issue with CAT when the Display Layer Transform Gizmo option was active that would result in the Motion Command Panel continuously redrawing, creating a flickering affect. This redraw affected viewport performance and made it almost impossible to move keys on the Time Slider.
. .Resolved an issue where if a user adds a Vertex Paint modifier to the CAT Bones, paints vertex colors, and then chooses "Collapse To" from the modifier stack, 3ds Max would crash.
. .Character Studio
. .Resolved a crash that would occur with Biped when deleting Xtra Bones from the Biped Structure in Figure Mode, and then undo the action and attempt to restore the Xtra Bones to your Bip rig.
. .This fix should also apply to loading FIG file data that has xtra bones that do / don't exist on the current biped rig as well. Though we would like your input on the results that this gives as the xtra bones of biped might now cause some different display results.
. .Fixed a crash that can occur when baking keys with MassFX and then attempting to undo the action.
. .When opening the Motion Capture utility in the command panel for the first time, if there is no motion capture controller assigned to the object, this utility will no longer pop-up an error window warning the user about needing to assign the proper controller. This message is now properly displayed in the 3ds Max status area of the UI where the user knows to look for messages.
Array v2
. .New Phyllotaxis Distribution Method - clones in a spiral pattern, distributing clones from the center out. The resulting spiral mimics organic distribution patterns that are found in nature, like leaves on a plant or seeds in the head of a sunflower.
. .New Material ID options
. .Assignment methods - Ordered, First Middle Last
. .N TImes - allow repeat material id assignment
. .Phase animation
. .Create Objects now keeps hidden edges for mesh source.
. .Triangulation Improvement
. .The improved triangular algorithm which was introduced in 2023.1 has been improved further. Now also used in Edit Poly modifier.
. .The following Editable Poly/Edit Poly operations now use the new retriangulation algorithm to produce better geometric resultsFace splitting by insertion of edges, Slice, Cut, Bridge, Vertex extrusion, Edge extrusion, Cap, Smart Extrude.
. .Cap modifier is using this new algorithm
. .Material modifier
. .Now preserves explicit normals when it is applied to Mesh
. .It would not convert spline to mesh when applying to a spline
. .allow to set material id on spline
. .Spline improvement
. .Automatic weld would snap to target instead of the midpoint
. .Segment auto weld will weld each vertex, each knot to the nearest one as expected
. .When you close Insert on spline, it will correctly snap to target end point
. .Retopology
. .Reform 14.0.1 - fixes some previous failure cases, and improves the quad topology in some others.
. .Fixed a data loss issue when you navigate under the Retopology modifier in the stack, make some sort of geometric or topological change, and then save without recomputing retopology. Previously, this would "lose" the remeshed and retopologized meshes in the saved file; now, they are properly retained.
. .Selected Edges Auto Edge constraint previously was not honored when the Preprocess Mesh option was active; now, this is correctly handled.
. .Symmetry modifier default axis changed to X.
. .Normalize Spline Modifier will preserve MatID
. .STL Import - a few 1000 times faster
. .STL Checker - a few 1000 times faster
. .The Mesh and MNMesh classes have been refactored to have internal data organized into channel objects. This provides improved stack performance, stabilit,y and a ton of code cleanup and modernization.
. .Complete MXS exposure for CreatePreview()
. .instead of initializing preset/visualstyle/edgedface/textures options hard-coded (e.g., High-Quality for preset), init them using the active viewport's options (e.g., use UserDefined preset if the current viewport use a customized preset)
. .add missing maxscript exposure - dspCamViewName:true autoPlay:true vpPreset:#userdefined vpStyle:#defaultshading vpEdgedFaces:true vpTextures:false
. .Now you can easily remove a property controller by setting the controller value to undefined using setPropertyController() or setting the ...
. .The EmptyModifier no longer converts the incoming object to a mesh on the stack.
. .You can now specify whether to display a running script that encounters an error in the Scripting Editor. This setting is exposed as preferences.displayScriptEditorOnError and scriptEditor.displayOnError, and on the Preferences > MAXScript dialog as Display Editor On Error.
. .The new scriptEditor struct exposes two other properties: hwnd and isVisible.
. .Two settings for displaying warnings are now exposed as system globals: preferences.displayTopoMessage. .preferences.displayCollapseMessage
. .The value has a new property .hwnd, which contains the windows handle for its associated Script Editor window.
. .The windows struct has several new functions: windows.isWindow(), windows.isWindowVisible(),windows.showWindow(), windows.getWindowPlacement(), windows.setWindowPlacement(), windows.setFocus(), windows.setForegroundWindow(), windows.getWindowLong(), and windows.setWindowLong().
. .All windows struct functions that take a HWND argument for the window to operate on now can take a RolloutFloater, Rollout, or the main 3ds Max window (specified by the name #max), making it easier to operate on these types of windows without having to query their window handle first.
. .The new errTracebackDisabled system global specifies whether to disable error tracebacks in the listener window. Intended for testing / internal use only.
. .The value has a new .enabled property that allows you specify whether the handler is enabled. This allows you to disable handlers without having to de-register or delete them.
. .The spinner UI control has a new property autoscale:, and these existing creation keyword parameters are now exposed as properties that can be accessed at runtime: scale and type.
. .The qtmax python module now exposes LoadMaxMultiResIcon. .fixed a problem of "callability" on pymxs object (before they were all callable)
USD 0.4
. .SDK
. .Added Context construct to the USD Exporter SDK. This allows USD Plugin developers to better control the export of their plugin data and help simplify the exporter UI for users.
. .Added self.GetNodesToPrims() to PrimWriters that will get a map of prims made from nodes in the scene. Helpful for writing associations to prims created from other nodes in the scene.
. .Added the .version property to the maxUsd Python module to know the USD plugin version.
. .Exporter. .Added support for Skin to be exported to USDSkel.
. .Updated the USD Exporter to comply with USD standards for not nesting shader nodes.
. .Added an option in the USD Exporter to not nest Gprims. This option will now be on by default and makes the USD created from 3ds Max conform more to the general USD guidelines.
. .The items in the plugin configuration combobox are now checkable. Multiple elements can be selected or none of them can be selected.
. .Fixed missing sourceColorSpace, scale and bias settings for Normal maps in the USD Exporter that was casing incorrect normals display in USD. Also, for non-Normal maps, sourceColorSpace will be set to “raw”.
. .Updated USD Exporter default primvar name of UV channel 1 from “st” to “st0”. This is a temporary fix to deal with a MaxToA issue introduced with the change to USD 22.11.
. .USD Stage Object
. .Support multiple UV channels for offline USD Stage rendering using the fallback method.
. .Added support for Alembic references in the USD Stage.
. .Fixed defect causing unexpected evaluation of the stage while manually editing the Stage mask.
. .Fixed USDStageObject.SelectRootLayerAndPrim() not returning the Payloods option. The Payloads option now returns as a boolean in the third item in the resulting array.
. .USD Preview Surface Material
. .Improved support for opacity in the MaxUsdPreviewSurface material.Fixed some transparent materials not displaying in the viewport.
As you can see 3DS MAX still alive and kicking.
Because This list was last updated on March 10th. If there are any changes, I will inform you here.
Some things that are also interesting are not on the list, as they are not finalized and will only be released in the "dot one" version.